What's up with the song titles for Chrono Ghost?

You may have wondered what the deal is with the song titles for the Chrono Ghost soundtrack. I've found the art of naming a song to be an interesting challenge when there are no lyrics. It usually comes down to what imagery the music evokes in my mind's eye. But, I find titles like "Flowing Water" or "Trees in the Wind" to lack creativity. So, I turned to my friend Google Translate to make the names equally as boring in a different language. The bullshit excuse we decided on for the naming convention is that the land of the dead knows no bounds. So, as the protagonist makes his way through purgatory he is bound to experience different cultures, perhaps even ones that don't exist on Earth.
Corrente Sottomarina (Italian) - Underwater Current
Illuminare (Italian) - Illuminate
Arbor Ranae (Latin) - Tree Frogs
Caliperos - Made up name that I took from a fantasy name generator. It's supposedly a good name for a unicorn
Discidium - A random name from Drew's imagination
Masa Berlalu (Malay) - Time Elapsed
Shigaichi no Ame (Japanese) - Rain in the City
Namva Soltega - Made up. I imagined a Soltega as a style of song like a Waltz and had planned to title another song Ramsa Soltega, but it never came to be
Hokojin - Made up. To me it sounds like the name of a demon, which fits the creepy vibe of the song.